Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Part 2

Ok I wanted to get this done before I forgot or waited too long. I need to hurry cuz baby is quickly approaching the end of nap time...and I'm putting off stuff that needs to get done. Ok here are the last few questions:

Who is more stubborn? Well, we were arguing about this last night...and both of us want to be the most stubborn. I think it is a toss-up, really. We're both very very stubborn, especially about being right.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably me. We both admit it, just some of us a bit more slowly than others.
Whose parents do you see the most? Nathan's, definitely, because they live 40 minutes away, rather than 4 and a half hours away.
Who proposed? Nathan did - great story for another time. He accidentally proposed really...he was "practicing." Who PRACTICES proposing to their girlfriend? I mean, seriously. He almost was in big trouble for that one. It worked out, though, huh?
Who has more friends? That's a weird question. I'm not sure. In Salem, we have pretty much all the same friends, though he's closer with some guys from EQ and I'm closer to some ladies from YW. Fun abbreviations. He has friends from high school closer by in McMinnville, but many of them have moved away just like many of my friends. So yeah, hard to say, and not something I really care about figuring out.
Who has more siblings? Nathan. I have one wonderful big brother and he has about a billion brothers and sisters. Ok 2 brothers and 5 sisters. To me, that's close to a billion. They're great, though. It's been nice being around Nathan's hometown so much because i've gotten to meet all the siblings sooner than the other in-laws did.
Who wears the pants in the family? Well all three of us wear pants most of the time. Joshua definitely has the most pairs of pants, so if that is the deciding factor, then Joshua. And he really determines pretty much everything we do these days...so definitely Joshua.

I love my husband - I love my marriage - I love my family. Nuff said.

Well, to continue this interesting game of "tag," I tag Tracy and Krissy (if you want to, of course!)


Alicia said...

Thanks for playing along. They were loaded questions, I didn't come up with the list. I really enjoyed reading about your wonderful family!

Krissy said...

Thanks for tagging me! It was fun to read about you guys and your daily lives in a different way. I am also glad that Nathan helps out a lot.

Krissy said...

ok so it isn't that I don't like reading this entry over and over and over again, but I thought that you were going to post more often? Surely you have SOMETHING going on in your life right now.

Can't wait to see you, just a few more days away.