I don't have many pictures scanned of me when I was a really really little baby, but here is one more that looks kind of close. He can't quite push himself up this far on his arms...but the expression cracks me up in both pictures.
Here is me:
And here is Joshua:
It is a beautiful day outside...and inside. Joshua is still growling a lot cuz his nose and throat are stuffy, but he's a much happier baby than he has been. Much to do much to do - off I go.
Thank you SO MUCH for starting your Blog! I love your stories, the pictures (especially the comparisons between you, Nathan and Joshua - he is such a wonderful combination of the two of you!), and even the rants. You will always treasure this record of his growing up years, and I feel so honored to share it. The videos are priceless! You have a most adorable, smart, wonderful, creative little guy!
Manda, my experience has been that the first year in most any new situation is always the worst. You are trying to figure out WHAT needs to be done, HOW to do it easily and quickly, WHEN it has to be done, and WHY it can't wait until a more convenient time. After those fist 12 months, you'll have procedures/forms/practices in place that make the job much easier. Most of the yucky stuff that can happen, has occurred at least once and you've handled it. The next time won't be as hard, and eventually ALL tasks will just become routine and rather easily managed. So, hang in there - you are half way to the end of the major yuckies and doing an amazing job!
Love & Hugs to you all.
Hi to the Panda!
You and Joshua have something else in common as babies, besides the bright eyes and round tummies. You both also have that Joy to the World smile that says, "I'm a baby, life is great, and I AM WONDERFUL!"
The pictures of you, Nathan and Joshua as babies are so much fun to compare.
Please tell Joshua that Grandma thinks he will always be wonderful.
With so much love,
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