Well Alicia "tagged" me the other day...and apparently that means that I get to answer this set of questions about my dear husband. Now I think it is a bit of an understatement to say that some of these are loaded questions, but hopefully this doesn't provoke any arguments! That said - Alicia's husband wrote a bit of "commentary" on her answers on his own blog, so I encourage Nathan to do the same. Here goes...
What is his name? Nathan (known to some as Nate, Skip, Skippy, Skipdawg), but I just call him sweetie, unless he's in trouble or I have to get his attention when other people are around
How long have you been married? Since June 2004 - so about 3 and a half years
How long did you date? We officially started dating about April of 2003, so a little over a year before we were married...only 8 months before we were engaged.
How old is he? Just over a month away from 26 (man he's OLD!)
Who eats more? Well Nathan eats more often...and often eats more at one time, but lately (and definitely when I'm pregnant), I eat more than he does at dinner.
Who said I love you first? Umm...I'm pretty sure that I said I loved him like the first day we were dating, because I realized he was becoming my best friend. so cute, I know.
Who is taller? Nathan
Who sings better? Nathan for sure - he is an amazing bass. I enjoy singing, but it is only in the last couple of years that i've tried singing alto whenever I sing hymns or whatever at church. Before, I would just sing the melody unless I was singing with a choir or something - then I'd sing alto. Anyway - I still struggle with finding the alto part, but i'm getting better.
Who is smarter? Nathan is smarter about tons of things - remembering things (I rarely can remember anything these days), knowing info about the world, the country, history, math, science, and other things I can't remember - see? He can remember birthdays, things people said, how to get places...I fail at that quite often. I can rarely even remember if the person I just met was wearing glasses or not. I think I'm stronger in writing and all the analytical stuff that I studied at school, and I'm a little faster at typing, I think - thanks to hours and hours of IM'ing when I didn't have any friends at Linfield my first year of college (thanks for helping me with that skill Ash!)
Whose temper is worse? That's a tough one...my first impulse would be to say Nathan's, but I'm probably just in denial. We both have tempers sometimes. But our grumpiness is always short-lived.
Who does the laundry? dangit! I need to go put the clothes in the dryer! Thank you quiz! Ideally, I'd like to be the one who does the laundry, but in reality, Nathan does the laundry 75% of the time.
Who does the dishes? That really varies. We both load and unload the dishwasher...yeah I don't think it's really one of us or the other. Maybe he disagrees.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. Always.
Who pays the bills? I do...well I set up autopay a couple months ago, but I keep track of them, and do stuff like taxes or financial aid forms.
Who mows the lawn? Thank goodness we don't have a lawn to mow. No, it'd be nice to have a lawn. The landscapers mow the property's lawn.
Who cooks dinner? Me nearly always, but more and more lately, I've been cooking good dinners. It used to be a bowl of pasta eaten in front of the tv, but I'm getting a lot better and getting meat in there quite often, and vegetables and fruit and some sort of carb with each meal, and we eat at the table. I'm very proud of that because it did NOT come naturally for me...so I'm building up to cooking new things. Slowly.
Who drives when you are together? Nathan nearly always drives, except on long road trips, when we switch off every few hours, or when I just really feel like driving - like Sunday over to McMinnville.
Ok the end of part 1 - I will continue it later...